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Using Cypress Swamp Tree Stumps…

January 2020

I am a graduate student at the Architectural Association in London working on a project that looks at the potential use of tree stumps as structural foundations. While researching I found the following extract from an article on The Petroleum Industry of the Gulf Coast Salt Dome Area in the early 20th century:

“In the dense tangle of the cypress swamp, the crew have to carry their equipment and cut a trail as they go. Often they use a tree stump as solid support on which they set up their instruments”

I have been struggling to find any photos or drawings of how this system would have worked (ie how the instruments were supported by the stump) I was wondering if you might know where I could find any more information? I would greatly appreciate your help!

Kind regards, Andrew


The American Oil & Gas Historical Society preserves U.S. petroleum history. Join today as an annual AOGHS supporting member. Help maintain this energy education website and expand historical research. For more information, contact bawells@aoghs.org. Copyright © 2021 Bruce A. Wells. All rights reserved.


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