Vintage Oil Postcards from Texas

Petroleum geologist and postcard collector drills into exploration and production history.


For anyone interested in learning about Texas oil and natural gas history or oilfield photography used in vintage postcards, the work of petroleum geologist Jeff A. Spencer offers both in 128 pages of both. Published by Arcadia Publishing in 2013, Texas Oil and Gas strikes black gold as a social studies teaching resource.

oil postcards

Published in 2013, Texas Oil and Gas, is part of Arcadia Publishing’s series of books featuring historic postcards.

A geologist in the Houston area, Spencer has authored or co-authored more than 20 oilfield history papers. His petroleum-related vintage postcard collection includes images from West Virginia, California, Ontario, Kansas, Pennsylvania, and of course Texas. The majority of the book’s more than 200 images are from the author’s private collection. (more…)

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