The American Oil & Gas Historical Society (AOGHS) preserves U.S. petroleum history, which provides an important context for understanding the modern energy business. This oil history can help Americans make informed decisions about meeting the nation’s future energy needs. AOGHS links to community oil and gas museums, county historical societies, libraries, and others dedicated to material preservation.

A Yale chemist’s 1855 report about oil’s potential as an illuminant would lead to America’s first commercial well four years later.
The historical society maintains simple ways to post questions and comments to help its membership share ideas, especially when seeking information about oil history and the U.S. petroleum industry. Are you an annual supporting member? Contact Executive Director Bruce Wells at
Research Help Requests
Post your information on our informal petroleum history forum, where our website visitors can comment and make suggestions.
Annual supporting members can contact AOGHS for additional research suggestions.
When contacted about petroleum-related family heirlooms, the society has helped locate suitable museum collections for preserving unique histories.
Family Histories
Visit our Oil Families page for more information about adding family petroleum heritage to collections and contacting museum curators.
Old Oil Company Stocks
There’s also financial research links and a popular Q&A forum about obsolete U.S. petroleum company stock certificates can be found here: Old Oil & Gas Stock Certificates and Is my Old Oil Stock worth Anything?
The American Oil & Gas Historical Society preserves U.S. petroleum history. Please become an AOGHS supporting member today and help maintain this energy education website, expand historical research, and extend public outreach. Interested in sharing a story or posting a research request? Contact email: