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The American Oil & Gas Historical Society (AOGHS) needs your support to maintain this website, which includes updated links to state and national energy education resources — and hundreds of community oil and gas museums. Subscribers (see form below) receive the monthly “Oil & Gas History News” email newsletter.

Bruce A. Wells
Executive Director
American Oil & Gas Historical Society
(202) 387-6996

3204 18th Street, NW, No. 3
Washington, DC 20010

U.S. petroleum history provides a context for understanding modern energy challenges.

Need research help? Because the historical society does not have resources to investigate all old stock certificates and company histories, AOGHS has created a popular forum to share research. Post your stock question (with date and details about the certificate) on the Stock Certificate Q&A forum page. Some requests (with images) can be posted in the Research & Artifacts Forum

Contact the society if you would like your research question added. Include details that will be posted. AOGHS will let you know if a website visitor or supporting member has information. Please become a supporter of energy education! — Bruce Wells

History of oil and Gas

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Stay up to date with our latest articles about petroleum history and modern energy education programs by receiving our monthly email newsletter, “Oil & Gas History News.”

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